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See It Be It

Patrícia Moura

Patrícia Moura
See It Be It

Patrícia Moura

Founder and CEO

The Pride Content


Founder and CEO of The Pride Content, a brand new Content Consultancy in Brazil, Patrícia pioneers innovative content strategies that drive brand engagement in the digital and AI-first world that is rapidly evolving.

Patrícia built a path of almost 20 years in advertising agencies, working alongside iconic brands such as Cinemark, Nikon, UN Women, Rock in Rio, Natura, Ambev and Mercado Livre. She was also a Professor for +10 years in MBAs approaching digital media and consumer behaviour.

Her passion for social media and people makes her accomplish over 30 awards, both local and internationally, through creative strategies that tell stories and drive entertainment.

During her tenure as Head of Content on GUT Agency, she participated in nine Cannes Lions, including “Files of Freedom”, which won a Gold, Silver and Bronze Lions, beside other nominations last year.

In 2023, Patrícia was nominated as an Ethics Counselor at CONAR (Brazil's self-regulatory advertising body), tasked with ensuring ethical advertising by evaluating and adjudicating campaigns that negatively impact consumers.

Recently, Patricia launched her own Content Consultancy, The Pride Content. The company embodies her vision for the future of advertising, where content is not only king but the cornerstone of digital identity and consumer engagement.

As a twice-honored Cannes Lions Entertainment Jury member, she is dedicated to nurturing creativity and excellence in the global advertising industry.