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Code of Conduct

How to ensure every Cannes Lions delegate has the best Festival possible

LIONS exists to drive progress through creativity, for business, people and society. One way we do this is by bringing people together to share ideas, celebrate achievements and build new connections.

It’s a place where there are heated debates, differing opinions and lively parties – and we welcome diversity of viewpoints in all these settings. In fact, we pride ourselves on creating a Festival where that’s able to happen.

Be respectful

The Festival is not a place for inappropriate, disruptive, threatening or abusive behaviour – either in person or online, to other delegates, partners, speakers or our staff. We have zero tolerance towards such behaviour at any time or any location during the Festival. For the avoidance of doubt, this type of behaviour could include (but is not limited to):

  • offensive spoken or written comments related to (but not limited to) gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race, ethnicity, religion, belief or political opinion
  • deliberate intimidation and bullying in person or virtually
  • a lack of respect, including microaggressions and harassing or degrading others
  • harassing photography or videography
  • sustained disruption of talks, content or other events
  • inappropriate or unwanted physical contact
  • violent or aggressive behaviour – both verbal and physical
  • sexual harassment, such as unwanted sexual advances, requests for sexual favours or visual, verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, including intrusive staring of a sexual nature
  • acting in a way, or running an activity, that feels like it is not equitable or excludes people
  • behaving inappropriately and acting in a way that negatively impacts others under the influence of alcohol and/or any other substance.

Our expectation is that every delegate, representative or partner attending one of our events or interacting with our brand – as well as every member of the LIONS team – is behaving in a decent, fair, responsible and reasonable way towards one another, our staff, company property, customers and suppliers. We expect that people will respect the dignity of others. Everyone at our Festival or working with our brand has the right to feel safe, welcomed, supported, treated with respect and heard.

Be safe

Ensuring that we operate in a safe and secure manner is integral to the Festival. We require that you support us by:

  • complying with any security and safety procedures and policies applicable to the Festival
  • follow all instructions given by Festival staff and/or security, in the case of emergency or otherwise
  • report any incidents or hazards to us that you become aware of, during the Festival.

Be professional

Delegates are required to comply with the dress code for the Festival, which is ‘business casual’. You may be asked to change into more appropriate clothing if you do not comply with the dress code. If you refuse to comply with the dress code, you may be asked to leave the Festival.

Consequences of failure to comply with the Code

LIONS may act if it feels any individual or group has failed to meet the standards set by this Code of Conduct. This could include revoking the individual or group's Festival passes without refund, but further action could also be taken, which could involve informing the appropriate authorities and/or the organisation that paid for the pass(es).

Help us and report Incidents

If you experience a violation of this Code of Conduct at the Festival, please contact a member of staff at the Festival or let us know at

If you feel uncomfortable in a certain situation while inside the Festival, please remove yourself from the situation.

As you would in any major city, please take precautions to stay safe and protect your possessions at all times. Additional safety advice is available here.

All violations of the law should be reported to local law enforcement. For emergency assistance in France, dial 112.


All determinations of appropriate or inappropriate behaviour are at our sole discretion and our decision is final. This Code of Conduct may be revised at any time by LIONS.

This Code of Conduct is without prejudice to our rights, all of which we expressly reserve.