Deon Gjoni
Deon Gjoni
Weather Kid
UNDP 'Weather Kids' Campaign
Deon Gjoni is a 10-year-old fifth grader at Sabaudin Gabrani School in Tirana, Albania. In addition to his rigorous academic schedule, Deon dedicates time to martial arts. His standout moment occurred during his appearance on Albania's renowned talent show, 'In the Trap of Peter Pan,' of the National TV Klan, where he held audiences spellbound with his segment, 'Ring the Bell,' posing insightful questions to VIP guests.
Deon's introduction to television at the age of five ignited a profound passion for the medium. He envisions a future where he transcends the role of mere viewer to that of a creator. Deon takes an interest in technology and geography.
Deon actively participated in the Albanian 'Weather Kid' campaign, delivering a unique weather forecast for 2050 through A2CNN-a CNN affiliate TV in Albania. The global 'Weather Kids' campaign prompted the UNDP in Albania to launch a campaign engaging children of Deon's age in the climate conversation.