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Nir Wegrzyn

Nir Wegrzyn

Nir Wegrzyn

CEO and Founder


Speaking at

Tuesday 18 June, 12:30 - 12:45

Secret Speaker: The power of brand to overcome bias at scale


Nir Wegrzyn is the founding partner and CEO of global brand-led creative agency BrandOpus. As a leading authority on global brand strategy and design, Nir has over 30 years’ experience working for a variety of advertising and brand design agencies such as FCB, Publicis, Lintas and JKR.

Nir has cultivated a deep interest in a wide range of subjects based around the way people form perceptions and views. In his daily work he regularly employs theories derived from Jungian and archetypal psychology, to cognitive neuroscience and behavioural economics, in order to build unique brands and better understand decision-making.

Nir studied in Israel and Switzerland and gained an MBA in London. He is regularly invited as a guest lecturer at London Business School and has delivered thought-leadership presentations at leading industry events such as Cannes Lions and Web Summit. Nir has also published many articles on design and branding matters.