awards / lions / Print & Publishing

Print & Publishing

The Print & Publishing Lions celebrate creativity in circulation.

The work will need to demonstrate ideas that leap off the page. It should show ingenuity and outstanding craftsmanship in published media including books, magazines, covers and digital publications for public distribution.


The main criteria considered during judging will be the idea, the execution and the impact.

There is no overall limit to how many times the same piece of work can be entered into Print & Publishing as long as the categories chosen are relevant. However, the same piece of work may only be entered once in ‘A. Print: Sectors’.

In section A each execution constitutes one entry and all executions must have run within the eligibility period.
In sections B, C and D multiple executions may be entered as one entry however all Print & Publishing executions must have run within the eligibility period.

What does winning work look like?

HEADPHONES | LOTO 2023 LOTO - You are lucky - BBDO - Cannes Lions 2023 (Digital Proof JPG from The Work - 1525794-22429344) BBDO CHILE, SANTIAGO BRONZE CAMPAIGN, PRINT & PUBLISHING LIONS

Facing increasing levels of scepticism, Chilean lottery brand Loto increased brand awareness and reestablished the idea of luck in its community with a series of optimistic print ads. The ads used pictures of lucky situations, like a fallen earphone avoiding a sewer grate by millimetres, alongside copy that called out the undeniable luck of being alive today. This particular piece took home a Bronze Lion in Print & Publishing.

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